Saturday, June 4, 2022

Gold Star Spouse Property Tax Exemption WILL Be On November Ballet

The Colorado state constitutional amendment adding Gold Star Wives (Spouses) to the state's disabled veteran and senior property tax exemption WILL be on the November ballot, having been passed unanimously by both houses of the Colorado legislature. 

This reflects terrific leadership by the legislative committee of the United Veterans Coalition, which made it their Number One legislative objective for 2022.

Congratulations to all who worked on this initiative and now, let's get the vote out for November!

In 2013 I identified three flaws in the state's property tax exemption law: failure to include disabled military retirees, failure to include Gold Star Wives, and failure to include veterans considered totally disabled by the VA with a rating called "total disability for individual unemployability."

So far, the first two are resolved and now we can set our sights on our worthy TDIU veterans, denied important state property tax benefits for far too long.