Saturday, November 25, 2017

Letter to Congressman for Veteran-Directed Home & Community Services

It takes your support to get their support! Let your Congressional representative know you want and need their support for expansion of Veteran-Directed Home & Community Based Services (VD-HCBS) throughout Colorado. Their names are below this sample letter.

(home address)
(To One of Colorados Congressional representatives)

Dear Representative (or Senator,)

I urge your strong support for expansion throughout Colorado of the Veterans-Directed Home & Community Based Service (VD-HCBS.) The program helps veterans avoid nursing home care, and live safely and independently at home for as long as possible. 89% of veterans in VD-HCBS reported that the program is decisive in keeping them out of nursing homes. 

That's why this program is so strongly supported by Disabled American Veterans, AARP and other organizations.

VD-HCBS is offered by the Veterans Health Administration to all honorably discharged veterans upon approval by their local VA social worker. There are no requirements as regards service-connection disability or income levelonly the need.

Correction: There is one more requirement: to be eligible a veteran must also be enrolled in a VA regional medical system offering the program. Denver has it. Cheyenne does not. The Rocky Mountain Healthcare System doesnt participate in VD-HCBS. Over 34 states now have VD-HCBS, as does Denver and the Eastern Colorado VA Healthcare System. Dr. Shulkin told Congress all VAMCs would offer VD-HCBS by 2019. I dont know why Rocky Mountain hasnt implemented the program yetwhether it is budget, priorities, or another obstacle.

What I have learned is that I can have access to the vital services I need from VD-HCBS only by moving to Denver and enrolling there. What I also have learned is that Cheyenne can, if it wishes, implement a program for our veterans in Northern Colorado. Mr. Dave Roberts, Director of the Cheyenne VAMC intends to push for the program.

To appreciate the importance of VD-HCBS to veterans like me, just consider that it can help with removing ice and snow from my sidewalk, without which Im stranded inside my home. Other services it covers include meal preparation, transportation, housekeeping, laundry, and more vital services keeping me safe, and independent. It can delay an end-of-life trip into a nursing home more effectively than my present palliative care alone.

I ask that you help on a couple fronts. First, cant NoCo veterans somehow enroll in Denver to be covered without having to move there? Also, please urge Mr. Roberts and Mr. Ralph T. Gigliotti at VISN-19 to promptly implement VD-HCBS throughout Colorado. The need is great and the need is obvious, certainly from my perspective as a disabled veteran.


Colorado’s representatives are:
Diana DeGette
1st District
Since Jan 7, 1997
Jared Polis
2nd District
Since Jan 6, 2009
Scott Tipton
3rd District
Since Jan 5, 2011
Ken Buck
4th District
Since Jan 6, 2015
Doug Lamborn
5th District
Since Jan 4, 2007
Mike Coffman
6th District
Since Jan 6, 2009
Ed Perlmutter
7th District
---------------Colorado's Congressmen---------------------------


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Veteran-Directed Home & Community Based Services (VD-HCBS) - home care for veteans


This program uses VA funds to help elderly or disabled Vets remain home with loved ones instead of needing nursing home care



Here in Colorado, this terrific program is currently available to only to Veterans living in these counties: City and County of Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Clear Creek, Douglas, Gilpin and Jefferson, and the City and County of Broomfield. Colorado's other 56 counties must do without because administrators in VA's Rocky Mountain Healthcare System opted not to provide this valuable Veterans benefit. Why? You'd have to ask them...I've had no success finding out why.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA) launched Veteran-Directed Home & Community Based Services (VD-HCBS) in 2008 to help Veterans with disabilities of all ages and their families pay for needed services in their own homes and communities. VD-HCBS is an exciting and comprehensive VA program, open to all Veterans where the program is offered, regardless of service-connection disabilities or income.

VD-HCBS delivers home and community-based long-term service and support, giving Veterans more choices and control over nearly all types of care they receive in their homes and communities. This program combines the hands-on experience and skills of local medical and service providers with the VA’s extensive resources to provide additional opportunities to avoid nursing home placement and stay independent in your own home.

Under the VD-HCBS Program, Veterans (or their caregivers) manage their own flexible VA-provided spending budgets, hire and supervise their own workers, including family or friends, and purchase what’s needed to live independently. The key point again: VA gives the Veteran a budget to pay for this!

Thousands of Veterans in 34 states have already signed up with VD-HCBS, including the elderly, and younger, severely injured Veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation New Dawn. The keys to this program are an Honorable Discharge, the need for it, and availability of VD-HCBS where you live.

A Veteran in the VD-HCBS Program is supported by: a VA program coordinator to oversee quality, satisfaction and service delivery; a person-centered counselor from an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) or Center for Independent Living to assist in finding and/or training workers caring for the Veteran’s needs.


• Receive a comprehensive assessment and care planning assistance
 Decide for themselves what mix of goods and services will best meet their needs
• Manage a budget. VA fund are used by the Veteran to remain independent at home
• Hire and supervise their own workers, including family or friends
• Get financial management and support services
• Use traditional service providers, or a contractor or palliative care to coordinate

All honorably discharged Veterans
enrolled in a system offering it are eligible to participate in the VD-HCBS program when the Veteran is “in need of nursing home care” and interested in self-directed care. The determination of whether a Veteran is “in need of nursing home care” is made by the VAMC.
The VD-HCBS Program is targeted to Veterans whose home care needs exceed the average number of hours generally available through the Homemaker/Home Health Aide (H/HHA) Program. (If the need is more modest than VA-HCBS requirements and if the Veteran is service-connected, ask about 
this homemaker support.)
To be considered for the more comprehensive VA-HCBS, a Veteran usually would have/be:

Three or more activities of daily living (ADL) dependencies
      •     Significant cognitive impairments
Receiving hospice or palliative care
      •    Two ADL dependencies and two or more of the following:

  o   3 or more instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) dependencies
  o   Recently discharged from a nursing facility
  o   75 years old or greater
  o   3 hospitalizations or 12 outpatient clinics or emergency evaluations
  o   Clinically depressed
  o   Lives alone

Do you want the control and flexibility to live more independently by choosing how and when you purchase your goods or services? Can you or a trusted person be responsible for recruiting, hiring, and dismissing your workers and services providers? If so, the VD-HCBS Program might be for you!

Interested? See your VA social worker or email

Thursday, May 26, 2016

House Bill 16-1444 Passes Colorado Legislature Unanimously - Governor signs May 27

Thanks to the efforts of state Senator Keffalas and his colleagues, the conflict between Article X Section 3.5 of the Colorado constitution and its enabling legislation will be resolved tomorrow when the Governor signs House Bill 16-1444.

The constitution provided a modest property tax exemption to both VA 100% disabled veterans and military retired 100% disabled servicemembers. BUT...someone writing the subsequent legislation forgot the military and only specified VA, denying hundreds of retired totally disabled servicemembers the exemption guaranteed by the constitution. only took three months from mentioning the problem to Senator Keffalas, getting the support of the United Veterans Committee, and even the state Division of Military and Veterans Affairs, and the correction simply sailed through both houses without a dissenting vote. problem solved, and next we move on to the shameful discrimination suffered by Colorado's war widows and widowers, who are denied the property tax exemption afforded disabled veterans' survivors.

Why the exclusion of war widows and widowers? Because the constitution only provides the property tax exemption to those whose veteran husband/wife was in receipt of the exemption before the veteran's death. Logically, a soldier who dies in a roadside bomb or hostile artillery fire doesn't make it home to complete Colorado's application, but illogically, his/her survivor is denied the property tax exemption.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Our Testimony Supporting Senate Bill 16-147 (28 Apr 2016)

Statement of Wes Carter, Major USAF Retired
National Chairperson, The C-123 Veterans Association
also speaking for the united veterans committee of colorado

Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee,

I’m Wes Carter, National Chairperson of the C-123 Veterans Association. Today I also represent 450,000 Colorado veterans whose voice is the United Veterans Committee. Before you today is the terrible issue of suicide in Colorado and our hope that Senate Bill 16-147 can help.

I want to share some personal experiences with this issue. My town of Fort Collins lost thirteen children last year. Four were suicides. Four…over 30% if you want simple statistics. We don’t know all the causes, but we certainly know the tragedies our families were left with.

Military suicides are something I became familiar with 26 years service in the Army and then the Air Force. For twelve years I was a hospital administrator. Marvin, one of the officers who nominated me for my commission, faced demons he felt could only be driven away by ending his life. I flew medevac for several years with Diane, a flight nurse. I have a happy memory of her rushing from work to attend my wedding, without time to change from her hospital scrubs. I have been to her parent’s Massachusetts home only twice…each time for the funeral of one of her brothers, both of whom ended their lives while on active duty.

Military and veterans’ suicides. I can speak for the accumulation of life’s burdens in the military…extremely difficult technical and physical training, frequent deployments, injuries, career disappointments, loss of friends, family strife, relocations, financial stress. And then there’s all those people bombing and shooting at you. Life’s tough. We have an evolving understanding that it takes a warrior to call in help. I wish more warriors would reach out, but we see an average of one veteran’s suicide per hour, each and every day. 8000 a year, almost an Army division. Last year in our county, the 80 adults who ended their lives were 3.8% of all adult deaths, but remember what I said about the children…30% of all children’s deaths were by their own hand.

Senate Bills won’t solve everything but, along with recent action in the US Senate, they’ll help. I join Colorado’s 450,000 veterans in urging unanimous approval of Senate Bill 16-147. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Unanimous vote moves disabled veteran property tax legislation forward in Colorado legislature


Yesterday after the two hour wait for a previous bill to be defeated, the Colorado House Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs approved House bill 16 – 1444. And the vote was all in favor of the proposed legislation.

Our thanks are due to Committee Chair Sue Ryden who not only sponsored the legislation but testified on its behalf as did Representative Terri Carver (Colonel, USAF, Ret.)  And also to the outstanding leg work done by the United Veterans Committee of Colorado, Senator John Kefalas, and other leaders behind this issue.

Next up? The House Appropriations Committee, to address the modest cost of bringing the laws of Colorado into alignment with our state's Constitution Article 10, Section 3.5.

Friday, April 22, 2016

House Veterans Committee Disabled Military Retirees Property Tax Hearing April 25 (HB16-1444)

The legislative process begins April 25 at the Colorado Statehouse, when the House Veterans  Committee takes up HB16-1444, the bill to put military disabled retirees into the state's disabled veteran property tax laws.

Committee Chair Sue Ryden, herself a sponsor, will call the committee to order at 1:30PM, and HB16-1444 is first on the schedule.

I will be presenting the basic argument as the first witness, speaking as chair of our own C-123 Veterans Association. The United Veterans Committee of Colorado will also have me represent their 450,000 members in supporting the bill. Even the state's Division of Veterans Affairs is behind this bill!

Although the state's constitution covers both VA 100% disabled veterans and military personnel retired by their service for total disability, only VA-rated veterans were specified in the law, so the new bill aligns the constitution with the law by adding the totally disabled military retirees.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Things are happening...our bill is now before the Colorado House Veterans Committee

Fix HB6-1251 to match the constitution's Article X Section 3.5
In his effort to align the constitution with legislation, Colorado's state senator for Fort Collins has a "late bill" now being worked on in Denver. It was a miracle that, so late in the Legislature's crowded final thirty days, this issue still got attention from leaders in both parties and both chambers.

Senator John Kefalas crafted the bill and with bipartisan support now has it before the House Veterans Affairs Committee, and in the Senate awaiting committee assignment.

Bill Detail: HB16-1444

TitleDefinition Qualifying Disabled Veteran Prop Tax
StatusIntroduced In House - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs (04/15/2016)
House SponsorsS. Ryden (D)
T. Carver (R)
Senate SponsorsJ. Kefalas (D)
L. Garcia (D)
House CommitteeState, Veterans, & Military Affairs
Senate Committee
Date Introduced04/15/2016
The bill aligns the statutory definition of qualifying disabled
veteran, as it relates to a property tax exemption for qualifying seniors
and disabled veterans, with the language established in section 3.5 of
article X of the Colorado constitution.
Amendments out of CommitteeNone
Link to Full TextFull Text of Bill
Link to Bill VersionsBill Versions  
Link to Fiscal Notes
Link to HistoryHistory  
Link to Lobbyists(no lobbyist data)
Link to Audio[This feature is available by subscription.]  
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Friday, April 8, 2016

Colorado's Curious Management of its Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption

 • Colorado Legislative Council, in describing the disabled veteran property tax exemption on the 2006 ballot:
"Veterans are rated 100-percent permanently disabled when a mental or physical injury makes it impossible for the average person to hold a job and the disability is lifelong."
• Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs:
VA "unemployability' total and permanent disability awards (TDIU, but only permanent and total) not acceptable for disabled veteran property tax exemption."
• Is there a disconnect somewhere in CDMVA? Are we stuck with this Catch-22 situation? Why does only Colorado treat TDIU differently than VA's other total disability rating (100% schedular?)

Monday, March 28, 2016

A Message from Bob McDonald, Secretary of Veterans Affairs on the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War

Our nation is currently commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, a long overdue opportunity to honor our 7.2 million living Vietnam Veterans and the 9 million families of those of us who served from November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. The Department of Veterans Affairs and more than 9,000 local, state and national organizations have joined the Department of Defense as Commemorative Partners in this important commemoration. 
For us, this partnership holds special significance in light of our mission to serve those who “shall have borne the battle,” their families and their survivors. Embracing our Vietnam Veterans and their families is in keeping with the intent and spirit of our MyVA transformation, focusing on our customers and improving their experience with the VA. 
Please take advantage of the opportunity this commemoration presents to express your gratitude for the service and sacrifice of this generation of American Servicemembers. Thank a Vietnam Veteran and welcome them home!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Briefing Package – Problems with Colorado's Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption, & Recommended Solutions

Background & source documents
We have summed up the issues with HB07-1251, Referendum E, and Article X Section 3.5 of the Colorado Constitution...CLICK to download the complete briefing packet.

Also quite informative is the legislative history for HB07-1251. CLICK to download that 33-page resource.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Paris reaches out to Brussels – Je suis Bruxellois

Je suis Bruxellois

VA Unemployability Disability Ratings (TDIU) – a little background for Colorado

There are two kinds of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs– 100% and TDIU; both are total and permanent disability ratings that should be recognized for Colorado's disabled vet property tax exemption – but aren't!

VA has 100% rating for total disability for unemployability...and also total and permanent disability individual unemployability (TDIU) or often in print, just IU.  

The Individual Unemployability Benefit is equal in every way to a 100% Schedular rating. The compensation is 100% and that dollar amount is equal to both ratings.  This VA permanent disability rating of TDIU meet Colorado's constitutional requirements for the disabled veteran property tax exemption.

(Note: VA has a temporary version of 100%, which is not eligible for the exemption as it is temporary, not permanent as the Colorado constitution and HB07-1251 require.)

This is the rating CDMVA should reject, not the permanent TDIU. All TDIU ratings are permanent, unless the veteran’s health improves and VA determines employment is possible.

If the veteran is VA-rated as 100% Schedular, he or she may work at any job they are capable of doing. The TDIU veteran is proven unable to hold "gainful employment." Nationwide, about 330,000 disabled veterans are rated TDIU. The IU veteran completes a yearly VA Form 21-4140 to verify that there has been no employment in the previous year. 

More about TDIU:
If awarded, this benefit allows the veteran to receive the total disability rating if he/she is proven unable to secure any gainful employment but only for reasons of very serious line-of-duty injuries worse than standard VA tables anticipate. Frequently state or VA experts will evaluate veterans using Certified Rehabilitation Specialists.

For TDIU, VA specifies basic disability ratings that reach the following levels:
a) a single service connected disability rated at 60% or more, or but which, in fact, is totally disabling
b) the result of 2 or more service-connected disabilities where the total rating is 70% and at least one disability is 40% or more and, in fact, are totally disabling.

This type of claim is automatically considered by the VA Regional Office whenever the Veteran’s service-connected impairment ratings reach the above levels. 

Should TDIU disabled vets qualify for Colorado's disabled veteran property tax exemption? Yes, we believe so, based on several points:
     1. Referendum E's Blue Book analysis clearly included veterans made unemployable due to line-of-duty injuries, and was overwhelmingly approved by the voters.
"Who qualifies for the tax reduction? Homeowners who have served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and are rated 100-percent permanently disabled by the federal government due to a service-connected disability qualify for the tax reduction in Referendum E. Colorado National Guard members injured while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces also qualify." 
The Blue Book described totally disabled veterans eligible for the benefit:
Veterans are rated 100-percent permanently disabled when a line of duty mental or physical injury makes it impossible for the average person to hold a job and the disability is lifelong. 

But note that the same description, those same qualifications can apply to TDIU vets:
• Similarly, veterans are rated TDIU when an unusually severe mental or physical line of duty injury makes it impossible this specific veteran to hold a job and the disability is lifelong. 
Nationally, less than one percent of veterans have a 100-percent permanent disability rating. About 2,200 veterans were expected to qualify for the property tax reduction in Colorado.

     2. Article X Section 3.5 in the Colorado constitution describes the qualifying points of a veteran's disability for the tax exemption, and VA Veterans Benefits Administration confirmed that VA's TDIU rating has the same qualifiers:
 "(1.5) For purposes of this section, "disabled veteran" means an individual who has served on active duty in the United States armed forces, including a member of the Colorado national guard who has been ordered into the active military service of the United States, has been separated therefrom under honorable conditions, and has established a service-connected disability that has been rated by the federal department of veterans affairs as one hundred percent permanent disability through disability retirement benefits or a pension pursuant to a law or regulation administered by the department, the department of homeland security, or the department of the army, navy, or air force. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

"Unemployability" VA Total & Permanent Disability Rating (TDIU) for Vets With Line-of-Duty Injuries – Colorado's unique exception

Colorado is unique among US states in distinguishing VA line of duty permanent and total unemployability ratings (TDIU)) from VA's other permanent and total disability schedular rating.

Only Colorado denies TDIU totally and permanently line-of-duty rated vets the state property tax exemption provided in the state constitution's Article X Section 3.5 by somehow considering this VA classification of veterans different than VA's other category of 100% disabled veterans.

No other state in the Union treats TDIU disabled vets differently than 100% schedular vets. To 49 other states, both VA 100% disability ratings are treated the same. The only difference is that TDIU vets are rated so disabled that they are unable to work.

NOTE: PDIU & TDIU have been used interchangeably, especially by older vets like me. TDIU is the current proper VA term.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Families of Troops Killed in Line-of-Duty – Denied Surviving Spouse Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption

If a disabled vet isn't already in receipt if the property tax exemption, the survivor is forever forbidden this important benefit. The system is set up so that widows and widowers of troops killed in the line-of duty will never get the benefit. (click for Gold Star Families' blog on this)

How does Colorado keep troops'' widows from receiving the Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption?

Colorado's "PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION FOR THE SURVIVING SPOUSE OF A PREVIOUSLY QUALIFIED DISABLED VETERAN" form explains that the widow or widower of a totally and permanently 100% service-connected veteran:
"The veteran to whom the applicant was married must have applied for and been granted the disabled veterans property tax exemption as provided by § 39-3-203(1.5)(a), C.R.S., prior to his or her death" (Colorado CMDVA Form 15-DPT-AR DV-002-07/14) 
Very clearly, CMDVA's form discourages widows from applying unless the veteran was already receiving Colorado's disabled veteran property tax exemption. This is even though no prohibition can be found in the constitution or the state's laws as regards the veteran's receipt before death.

Other confusing barriers pop up to frustrate Colorado's most disabled veterans and their survivors. Colorado's constitution spells out the exemption's qualification requirements, but as this blog has carefully detailed, legislation enacted in 2007 to accommodate Referendum E (which became Article X Section 3.5 of the constitution) didn't properly address two vital provisions in the constitution:
(1) HB07-1251 left out the constitution's provision for totally disabled military retirees, and (2)  the Division of Military Affairs added somehow a barrier to VA's Permanent and Total Individual Unemployability (TDIU.)
Vets who've been around the block with the US Department of Veterans Affairs will tell anyone asking how slow the VA is in making its disability awards. Even the simplist 100% disability rating can take years following the initial injury while on duty. Following the Gulf War, this writer was retired by the Air Force with a permanent and total 100% service connected disability military retirement effective in 1996, yet the VA 100% service connected rating didn't follow until 2015! Thus, Colorado denied its tax exemption even though the constitution clearly provides for it. Further, Colorado refused to recognize the VA's TDIU rating dating from 1998,

Were I to have died from my Gulf War injuries or at any time from 1991 until my VA rating came through in 2015, my widow would be forever denied the exemption regardless of my clear eligibility.

Colorado has been doing this to hundreds of disabled veterans' widows and widowers (Gold Star families) since 2007 when HB07-1251 was signed by the governor. For nine years, we have refused the tax exemption to survivors whose veterans were qualified by military disability retirements or TDIU VA disability ratings. Colorado also refuses it to active duty personnel who die in service because, obviously, they never were able to apply for the exemption and thus, their widows are refused.

Does this make sense, after reading the Blue Book's comprehensive description of the goal for Referendum E, or does it make sense after reading Article X Section 3.5 of the constitution? The answer should be no. CMDVA's interpretation of the statute, even though it seems in step with the constitution, has drifted far from what the electorate approved by a 78% margin in the 2006 election.

Until a more compassionate program is established, this year's' military widows will join the ranks of those between 2007 and 2016 in being refused this vital, well-earned benefit.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Many voices now calling for Colorado's Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption to be properly applied

Today I attended Colorado Senator John Kefalas' community coffee in Fort Collins. He was impressive in his grasp of budget, transportation, energy, childhood nutrition and other issues.

He kindly invited me to explain my perspective on Colorado's Article X Section 3.5, and the imperfect way the subsequent legislation has excluded two groups of otherwise eligible disabled veterans.

Senator Kefalas explained that both chambers of the Legislature have requests for "late bills" for leadership to consider, although the President of the Senate seems to have already denied us. Not only is the Senator in support of us, but he explained that so, too, is the United Veterans Committee and its legislative representative Mr. Bill Hanna, and the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs itself! What great news.

Regardless of party, our region is well-represented in Denver.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Legislative History of HB07-1251, statutes to implement Referendum E [Article X Section 3.5 , "Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption"]

I learned more history about the senior and disabled veteran property tax exemption, based on some research conducted in the Capital Thursday morning. Kind folks in the Colorado Legislative Counsel's office provided a.complete history of the evolution of HB07-1251, the statute which implemented Article X Section 3.5 of the constitution, following approval by the electorate of Referendum E. Our next step will be listening to the audio tapes of deliberations.

CLC's Blue Book, the Legislature's "sales brochure" promoting the referendum, described the veterans to be covered by the referendum:
"Who qualifies for the tax reduction? Homeowners who have served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and are rated 100-percent permanently disabled by the federal government due to a service-connected disability qualify for the tax reduction in Referendum E. Colorado National Guard members injured while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces also qualify. Veterans are rated 100-percent permanently disabled when a mental or physical injury makes it impossible for the average person to hold a job and the disability is lifelong.Nationally, less than one percent of veterans have a 100-percent permanent disability rating. About 2,200 veterans are expected to qualify for the property tax reduction in Colorado."
The first version of HB07-1251's description of qualified veteran was exactly as per Article X Section 3.5 of the constitution as it remains today:
 (1.5) For purposes of this section, "disabled veteran" means an individual who has served on active duty in the United States armed forces, including a member of the Colorado national guard who has been ordered into the active military service of the United States, has been separated therefrom under honorable conditions, and has established a service-connected disability that has been rated by the federal department of veterans affairs as one hundred percent permanent disability through disability retirement benefits or a pension pursuant to a law or regulation administered by the department, the department of homeland security, or the department of the army, navy, or air force. 
The next version of HB07-1251 ("Engrossed" version) made the changes in definition of qualified veteran. Those changes remained static thereafter until signed by the governor.
(3.5) "Qualifying disabled veteran" means an individual who has served on active duty in the United States armed forces, including a member of the Colorado National Guard who has been ordered into the active military service of the United States, has been separated therefrom under honorable conditions, and has established a service-connected disability that has been rated by the United States department of veterans affairs as one hundred percent permanent and total disability pursuant to a law or regulation administered by the department.
(Simply dropped from the final statute was the last phrase of the constitution., "through disability retirement benefits or a pension pursuant to a law or regulation administered by the department, the department of homeland security, or the department of the army, navy, or air force.")
1. In its Blue Book for 2006, the Legislature obviously included, and the electorate approved, Colorado veterans whose disabilities were total, permanent, service-connected and that made veterans unemployable. In the actual wording for Referendum E, however, no specific mention was made of unemployable terms, and still the VA rating for unemployability complies with the referendum's specifics. CdmVA ends up refusing these totally disabled vets the exemption, opposite the people's goal.

2. The Legislature's first pass at legislation also had no reference to employability issues but did specify military permanent and total disability retirements as qualified for the property tax exemption. By the second version (Engrossed) military disability retirements were not mentioned, and that version of the definition was carried into the stature and into effect today.

3. Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs complies with the statute, not the constitution, and denies property tax exemption to two groups of disabled veterans specified by the people when we amended the constitution to add the exemption to veterans. For some reason not apparent in the legislative history of HB07-1251, "unemployability" went from acceptable to specifically refused by CDMVA. The constitutional provision recognizing military service disability ratings was cut from HB07-1251 in the Engrossed version, without just disappeared. CMDVA also excludes those veterans which obviously conflicts with the constitution.

Did Colorado Legislative Council Overrule the People and Constitution of Colorado?

"CLC" is the Colorado Legislative Council. The CLC web site tells us they have an important role in our state's legislative process:
"The Colorado Legislative Council plays a big role in the initiative process in Colorado. The Legislative Council meets to approve all language for all ballot measures that have qualified in Colorado. Also, Legislative Council provides a fiscal impact statement which is mandatory for all ballot measures. This is done to determine impacts on any state agency or local government.
Once the analysis is complete, the Legislative Council prepares an official booklet which is published to Colorado voters on the actual language and fiscal impacts of ballot measures. The name of the official booklet is known as the Blue Book."
Colorado's voters were sent the Blue Book back in 2006, and CLC explained which veterans were specified in Referendum E. Included were explanations that the Referendum specified totally military personnel retired by their services, and described VA-rated totally and permanently disabled veterans, "Veterans are rated 100 percent permanently disabled when a mental or physical injury makes it impossible for the average person to hold a job and the disability is lifelong." Referendum E received 78% of the votes, becoming Article X Section 3.5 of the Colorado constitution.

In 2007 the Legislature undertook to create statutes to implement the constitution's changes. Their final work efforts were then routed past CLC for legal form, content and other requirements to become law. But CLC, or the Legislature, goofed. Twice.

First, the final legislation somehow dropped reference to totally disabled military personnel retired by the Army, Navy and Air Force. Second, although the Blue Book explained to the electorate (and we approved) that totally and permanently disabled vets "are rated 100 percent permanently disabled when a mental or physical injury makes it impossible for the average person to hold a job and the disability is lifelong," CLC and the Legislature somehow specifically barred VA's disability category called "totally and permanently disabled individual unemployability," or TDIU. The electorate, relying on CDC's Blue Book, amended the constitution and specifically protected vets who couldn't hold a job and whose disability was lifelong.

But CLC then specifically rejected such unemployability, somehow backtracking on its Blue Book as well as the decision of the electorate to amend the constitution, in part overturning the voters' decision on Referendum E.

Today, the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs refuses to follow the constitution but instead relies on the flawed statute, both of which CLC worked on. CDMVA thus defies the constitution and refuses the exemption to qualified vets seeking the benefit. State and county forms read, but without legal foundation, "VA employability awards do not meet the eligibility requirements." 

Why couldn't CLC get the final statutes to comply with the constitution and the guidance CLC gave the electorate? Why does CLC say VA permanent and total service-connected unemployability disability awards are unqualified for the exemption?

Why is the will of the people, expressed in our approval of Referendum E to amend the constitution, defied by CLC and the Colorado Legislature? How can CLC be called to account for this, and to correct their mistakes?